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Showing posts from 2009



"I know that many of you probably have some sort of distaste for the program - it's hard not to when you hear all sorts of horror stories from some who have undergone training and utterly hated it. However, since I had a pretty good time during my 3 months there, let me highlight some of the better parts of NS that become forgotten in the deluge of negative news about it."- Malaysia Students Blog Program Latihan Khidmat Negara (PLKN).  Semasa di kelas 'prep' pada ketika semua pelajar tingkatan 5 pulun berlatih tubi untuk peperiksaan SPM yang akan datang, saya sibuk menyemak melalui SMS sekiranya saya terpilih untuk latihan PLKN. Rata-rata kawan ada menyatakan rasa tidak puas hati sekiranya terpilih...: "kalau dapat ni, memang aku nak tulis surat merayu nak sambung belajar daripada pergi PLKN"  "baik cuti lama-lama dowhhh sebelum result SPM keluar"  "masuk PLKN buat pe, susahkan diri sendiri duduk dalam kem.. kat hutan pul