T-1 懷著沉重與不捨的心情 還是要向各位宣布 …… 終於走到這一步。 明天一大早我就要離開台灣了。 時間過得真快。 我好不容易來到台灣留學。剛來台灣的時候,我一個句子都說不出來,什麼都看不懂、什麼都聽不懂。現在我的中文進步好多好多了! 我在這裡,在華語中心天天都開心地上課。的確覺得非常一個珍貴的機會。我喜歡聽朋友說的話, 老師說的笑話。除了華語之外,還能學台語等語言。還有,我能生活在台南這塊土地當中了解一些台灣多元語言社會的情況。 雖然我想家人,但是在這裡除了有台灣朋友還有認識了很多各種各來自國家朋友。同學們幫我學習,其他朋友跟我去吃飯,一起去旅行,一起去運動,而且還做了一些我人生第一次體驗的事! 所以呢,我在這裡認識的好多人, 好多事情都讓我感覺很幸福。我將永遠感謝有機會在這裡讀書,並了解自己。 這兩年三個月待這裡,在這裡過得生活,承蒙各位關心照顧,感恩不盡。謝謝台灣,謝謝大家! 以後繼續請多多指教。 祝您們健康幸福。😘 P/s:對我來說,很期待未來的生活, 因為我要看我怎麼成長了, 要知道留學以前的我跟現在的我怎麼不一樣了。 Pss: 不少人問我"回家之後有什麽規劃?" 我的年紀不少了, 所以回去馬來西亞以後非找工作不可, 再賺錢,我真受不了沒有錢啦!!! ;)
Under the watchful eyes of the Elders 🫣 I found solace in their acceptance as I humbly sought their company and indulged in the beauty of song and *poetry. In that moment of our initial meeting, a profound sense of familiarity enveloped me, as if our connection transcended time and space... Could be soul recognition.. Could be past life memories. Could be precognition. --- *In the Javanese tradition: Poetry=sung-word. Not spoken-word. No poetry without singing and there's no singing without the **gamelan. --- **Gamelan ꦒꦩꦼꦭꦤ꧀ is a traditional ensemble music originating from the Land of Java, derives its name from the Javanese word, gamel ꦒꦩꦼꦭ꧀, means 'to hammer'. Most of the instruments of gamelan ensemble are struck with wooden mallets, padded sticks or hammers. In the rich tapestry of Javanese folklore, the gamelan is said to have been created by Sang Hyang Batara Guru, the eminent Supreme God. It is of note that the oldest representation of the gamelan can be traced