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Notes on 'Career Talk Session by Shell'

Pertama kali saya berpeluang menyertai program anjuran Students' Representatiive Council (SRC) UIA sebagai team unit International Women's Day. Penganjur utama kami ialah Shell. Berikut merupakan perkongsian mengenai peluang kerjaya di Shell....


  1. Puan Yasmin Mohd Ramzi - Global Finance Manager, Shell Business Service Center
  2. Encik Mohd Asyraf – Project Engineer, Shell Refining Co (FOM) Ltd
  3. Cik Sheila Balakrishnan - Campus Marketing Advisor at Shell Malaysia  
The day kicked off with Sister Yasmin who told her inspiring story of being an active student during her university days (particularly in IIUM Debate Team, she also served as a member of the KENMS society). According to her, debate helps her a lot in developing reasoning ability & honing communication skill. Shell funded her bachelor degree education. A 2nd batch of Accounting students from the Gombak campus, she immediately started her job the day after finishing her final year exam. 

After qualifying as a member of the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA), she held various finance posts. Her office; the Shell Business Service Centre Kuala Lumpur (SBSC-KL) is one of 6 Shell global business service centres providing finance, accounting, human resource, customer service, contracts and procurement services, and information technology to Shell operating companies globally. Her current position demands her attention to provide finance, accounting and business services to Shell operating companies. 

Meanwhile, Brother Asyraf graduated from IIUM 7 years ago. Interestingly, he told us there are 4 Shell  ‘anak angkat universiti; IIUM is one of them. Among of his tasks is looking for talent to work in Shell. ‘World Class Company needs World Class People’. He graduated with mechatronics degree, works as a project engineer (a quite different discipline from what he had been taught during his university years. “I applied only 5% of what I studied”, he said jokingly. The point is ready to take on new challenges and adapt to change. In addition, he said Malaysia is a 'heartland' for Shell because it was in this region that the company first puts its roots down. 

Shell has been active in Malaysia since 1891. Backed by over a century of history and presence in the country, the Shell companies in Malaysia are involved in Upstream, Downstream, and Projects and Technology. Shell is the petroleum retail market leader in Malaysia, catering to one-third of Peninsular Malaysia and half of Sabah and Sarawak’s market requirements.

Brother Asyraf is now working on world's first floating liquefied natural gas facility (FLNG). It is a revolutionary technology that will allow Shell to access offshore gas fields that would otherwise be too costly or difficult to develop – a groundbreaking technology to cool natural gas to liquid at sea, without the need to lay pipelines and build processing plants on land.

Key takeaways:

  • Must have proper qualification.
  • Make the most of university life and extra-curricular activities to develop your general skills. 
  • Plan early to get relevant work experience and voluntary work; have something lined up for each vacation.
  • Continuously update/ record the skills you gain and work experience activities you do so that you can pull out good examples on applications and in interviews. 
To achieve success, be certain that you: ASK

  • A- attitude; Activate appropriate Attitudes; from NOW!
  • S- skill; Sharpen strategic Skills
  • K- knowledge; Kindle relevant Knowledge*Employers recruit for ATTITUDE, skill & knowledge can be developed and trained
Living your Dreams

  • Have a vision.
    If you don’t have one, wake up and find one. Do you have a clear mental image of who you will be in the future? Vision guides your life and provides the direction necessary to chart the course of your days and the choices you make. Your vision is a “picture” of what you aspire to –and what inspires you – in your life
  • Have a mission.
    Why mission? Everyone needs a personal mission statement to maintain focus on what your long-term goals are. It will also provide you with a sense of purpose.In essence, it is a guide of sorts to lead you to where you want to be or go 
    in life. It costs you nothing but will benefit you greatly. It will make you feel accountable to achieving your goals. Your mission statement will also be a yardstick by which to measure your progress and current reality
  • Take Action.
    Don’t just dream. Nothing gonna happen until you have taken the necessary steps to achieve your dreams.
  • Apply ‘Law of Giving’ daily.
    It is possible to attract wealth, money, prosperity, financial abundance, love and more by following the universal spiritual law of giving receiving.
"Sebaik-baik manusia di antaramu adalah yang paling banyak manfaatnya bagi orang lain" - H.R. Bukhari
"Erti Hidup pada memberi" - Ustz Hasrizal

"Kita menerima sesuatu unntuk memberi kembali" - Ustz Pahrol Juoi

Shell Job Assessment Criteria:
(What are Mr Boss, Mr Supervisor, Mr Professor, Mr Senior Technician, looking for?)

  • C- Capacity;
    Do you have the analytical ability to place problems in a wide but relevant perspective?
  • A- Achievement;
    Do you have the ability to get things done?
  • R- Relationship;
    Do you have the ability to work efficiently with others in a team? 
Shell employees worldwide benefit from learning opportunities through the Shell Open University. It is the ‘one-stop-shop’ for learning and development solutions across the Group. 

CV/ Resume 
  • resume/CV is a professional document.
    It represents who you are.
  • customize your resume/CV for each position for which you applying
  • Proofread documents before submitting to employers; no grammar mistakes, no spelling error- state your CGPA
  • The top companies look for the top candidates
    — people with a track record of success. Your CGPA is one point on that graph, but there are other points, too, and you can recover from any low point. It’s pretty amazing how many people leave their GPA off their resume, especially good ones! Brag a little! While CGPA/GPAs aren’t the only indication of learning, when you’re getting an incredibly high number of resumes, it’s often used as a filter. Many companies have a minimum GPA they use to screen resumes as well. If you think by leaving your GPA off your resume, you’ll be able to sneak in, think again. It’s one of the first questions my company asks, and it would save both of us some time if it’s on your resume from the get-go.
if still study, state: 

  • when you are ready for work (eg ‘expect to graduate in 2014, ready for work June 2014')
  • if on scholarship, state whether bonded or not
  • no need to attach photos
    (name, contact details, email are sufficient; use professional/ appropriate email address)
  • co-curricular activities@ work experience, briefly state what you did? 
  • Put cap
    preferably recent years, put your key positions, use words of actions and verbs which are key to catching employers' interest
    (eg: Treasurer for XX Society in 2012)
    (management skill- set budgets, recorded expenditure and submitted applications for funding, Demonstrated adaptability through effective time management of competing demands academic work and society commitment)
    (teamwork skill, ability to work as a team, with different people with different skills, background and personalities)
    (communication skill-developed face to face, oral, written and interpersonal communication skills including body language, demonstrated a high knowledge and understanding of how to produce attractive grant and sponsorship proposals, development plans and present myself professionally)
  • state ALL THE ABOVE BRIEFLY, no ‘grandma stories'

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