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Navigating Future QS

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YB Sr Hj Muhamad Farid bin Hj Saad
Dip. QS (ITM), B.Sc. QS (RGIT, UK), MBA (UUM), Regd. QS (M), FISM

'QS Transformation'

An eloquent speaker.
From a kampung boy in Balik Pulau, grew up in extremely humble beginnings, wore 'plastic shoes' to school, --- graduated, 2nd batch of QS students from ITM, opened up his own QS firm at the young age of 27, completed MBA, now pursuing PhD in Sociology

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Sr Kwan Hock Hai
Chairman for Act, Regulation & International Affairs Committee, BQSM

'QS Act-What it means to you?'
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YBhg Datuk Sr Chia Lui Meng

'QS in Property Sector'

A Chartered Quantity Surveyor, graduated with a Bachelor of Quantity Surveying (Hons); member of the first QS batch from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. He is a Fellow of the Royal Institution of Surveyors Malaysia and a Member of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors and the Society of Construction Law, Malaysia. He holds a Bachelor of Law (Hons) degree from University of London and completed Certificate of Legal Practice awarded by the Legal Qualifying Board Malaysia.

In his 30+ years of experience in the property development and construction industry, he has worked in both the public and private sectors. He was attached with Jabatan Kerja Raya from 1978 until 1995 as a Senior Quantity Surveyor. He left government service as Assistant Director under Optional Retirement in September 1995. He said that it was a blessing being trained in government sector.

In 1995, he joined Hiap Aik Construction Berhad as General Manager. In 1997, he joined United Malayan Land Bhd as the Personal Assistant to Managing Director & Group Chief Executive Officer, rising to the position of General Manager. He ventured overseas in 2008, joining Viet Hung Urban Development & Investment J.S.C Land Bhd as Chief Operating Officer and was based in Hanoi, Vietnam until March 2009. Prior to joining Malton Berhad, he was attached with Naza TTDI Sdn Bhd as Director and Advisor to Group Managing Director. He was appointed as the Chief Executive Officer of Malton Berhad on 10 October 2011. Currently, holding the post at UMLAND as the Group CEO.

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YA Tuan Sr Lim Chong Fong
BSc (Bld), MRICS, MISM, MCIArb, LLB (Hons), Barrister-at-Law, CLP

'The Development of Construction Law in Malaysia'

Hails from Penang, he obtained his Bachelor of Science (Building) Hons degree from the National University of Singapore and in 1985, started his career as a QS. He later graduated with a law degree from the University of London and obtained a Certificate in Legal Practice in 1990. He had been a Senior Partner with Azman Davidson & Co since 1991.

He is admitted to the Malayan, English and Brunei Bar. Involved in construction law and dispute resolutions as Counsel in arbitration and the Courts. He has contributed to the Construction Law title for Halsbury’s Laws of Malaysia and Malaysian Court Forms for Arbitration and Construction Law titles. In 2003-2004, he undertook research on 'Securing Payment and the Expeditious Recovery of the Unpaid Builder’s Claim' under the Malaysian Fulbright scholarship at the William S Richardson School of Law at the University of Hawaii, USA. He also authored several books. Currently, he works as a Judge at the Penang High Court.

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YBhg. Datuk Jahaberdeen Mohamed Yunoos
Described himself as a lawyer by profession, writer by passion and thinker by birth. He obtained his Bachelor of Economics degree from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. After graduation, he supervised and taught economics at Stamford College. Subsequently he read law at the University of Leeds and did his pupilage in the chambers of Datuk Muhammad Shafee Abdullah. He later obtained his Masters in Comparative Laws from International Islamic University of Malaysia. Currently he practices under the style of “Jahaberdeen & Co”.

He has been a member of the Malaysian Bar's Human Rights and Syariah Law Committees for some years. He also acts as Honorary Lawyer and Legal Adviser for several NGOs and charitable organisations. He is active in several NGOs, such as JUST International. He founded Rapera, a movement that encourages thinking and compassionate citizens.In recognition of his social contributions to the youth in Penang, he was awarded the ‘Pingat Jasa Masyarakat’ by the Governor of Penang in year 2007.

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Sr Amran Mohd Majid
Director of Policy and Contract Section, JKR

'Gen Y to Gen Z'

Sr Amran bin Mohd Majid graduated with a B.Sc. (Hons) in Quantity Surveying from Liverpool Polytechnic, United Kingdom. He then sat and passed the professional examination of Test in Professional Competence (TPC) jointly organized by the Board of Quantity Surveyors Malaysia and the Institution of Surveyors Malaysia (ISM). He was duly admitted as a Registered Quantity Surveyors (Reg. Q.S.) as well as a Member of ISM (MISM) [where he was later elected as a Fellow of the ISM (FISM)]. 

He then pursued his studies in the field of law, part time, where he managed to graduate with a B. Jurisprudence (External Law Degree) from University of Malaya. He also sat and passed the Certificate in Legal Practice (CLP) examination.. He later pursued his post graduate studies in the field of project management, part time, where he managed to graduate with a M.Sc. Project Management from Universiti Sains Malaysia, Pulau Pinang.

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Sr Mohd Shazali Sulaiman

'Metamorphosis of QS'
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Sr Dr Wan Maimun Wan Abdullah

'The WOW Factor!"

Graduated with a qualification in B.Sc (Hons) QS from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia in 1981, MBA from Aston University UK in 2001 and PhD from University Malaya in 2010. 

Her career in the construction industry spans more than 30 years in both the public and private sectors. She was the 49th President of the Royal Institution of Surveyors Malaysia (RISM) making her the first lady president in RISM history. She has been appointed as the Chairman of QS Accreditation Council and the Examination Council for the Board of Quantity Surveyors Malaysia and sits in various national technical working committees. She provides training on contract and project management, and presented papers in seminars nationally and internationally. In 2012, she was awarded the prestigious RISM “Malaysian Surveyor of the Year Award”.
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