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Study Trip: UTM Kuala Lumpur

2017 BATCH

'Exchange students' selamat tiba dari kampus Skudai ;D
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Accomodation: Kolej Siswa Jaya, UTM Kuala Lumpur

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Lawatan ke Mahkamah Pembinaan, Kompleks Mahkamah Kuala Lumpur
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Bersama Yang Arif Tuan Lee Swee Seng
After hearing all the parties' applications, the Honourable Judge graciously invited us to his discussion room. He shared his experience on: working as a lawyer, opening his own private practice, pursuing studies,sitting as a Judge and hearing cases.
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Lawatan ke Brunsfield International Group
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BIM - 'Building Information Modelling' 
It is a rich digital model of a physical building. BIM stores all the information of a building and can be leveraged for many new and exciting applications including quantity takeoffs, scheduling, and building simulations. BIM can be used by:
-the Design Team to design the building,
-the Construction Team to model the construction of the building,
-and then the Building Owner to manage the facility throughout its 'life'

So, all project members will work on this single shared BIM throughout the lifecycle of the building. It helps them to visualize what is to be built in a simulated environment to identify any potential design, construction, or operational issues. BIM also provides the opportunity for members to break out of individual working methods and work together in a collaborative way.
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Question: How the contractual spectrum will change with BIM adoption?

1. Brunsfield started developing their own Brunsfield Building Information Modelling 'BBIM' when they bought their very first Revit software. They created 3D BBIM in 2005 and now, they're developing the 8D BBIM.
2. In each project, Consultants will be gathered and sit down together so that they are crystal clear on playing their roles in the implementation of BBIM at the very outset of the project
3. Brunsfield business model is DESIGN-BUILD-MANAGE and the procurement method is Design & Build. So, when awarding contract to subcontractors, the BBIM requirement is spelled out clearly
4. Various contract forms are used depending on the nature of the works. Say, Brunsfield Engineering won the bid for government project. Definitely, have to use JKR form of contract. PAM contract form for private projects. But, still, when it comes to the selection of subcontractors, Brunsfield will prioritise and select subcontractors who used to work with them and well verse with BBIM.
5. BIM environment itself is a deviation, totally different from the traditional practice. Brunsfield have to develop BBIM first, then only the Bill of Quantities 'BQ' will be automatically derived from the software in a short period of time. As such, there is no measurement, meaning they have to depart from the usual Standard Method of Measurement 'SMM' and formulate their own rules
6. BBIM can automate measurement, speed up traditional estimating process and better capture, manage and deliver project information. But that doesn't lessen the work for Quantity Surveyors. Quantity Surveyors are much needed to analyse, interpret the vast amounts of data produced and captured from BBIM, and turn it into a form that clients can use to make informed decisions. This, further enhance the quality of tender documents and procurement system

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Lawatan ke Pusat Timbang Tara Serantau Kuala Lumpur (KLRCA)
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Kelas di Menara Razak, UTM Kuala Lumpur
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With our Visiting Prof, Dato' Sundra Rajoo
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Ir. Nor Azli Shari, General Manager (Shared Purchasing) at TNB
Degree in Engineering and Electro-mechanical Power from Loughborough University, Master in Electical Engineering from UNITEN, MSc. Supply Chain and Management from University of Bolton and now working for his PhD on Business Administration.
  • Member (MCIPS) - Chartered Institute of Purchasing and Supply, UK 
  • Chartered Member (CMILT) - Chartered Institute of Logistic and Transport, UK
  • Professional Engineer (Electro-Mechanical Power) certified by Board of Engineer, Malaysia.
  • Member (Electrical) - Institute of Engineers Malaysia
  • TNB In house Trainer for Procurement Core Competency
  • FIDIC Green Book Contract Expert
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Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB) started with a humble beginning as Central Electricity Board of Malaya in 1949. Its core businesses are the generation, transmission and distribution of electricity.

FIDIC, is the French acronym for the Federation of International Consulting Engineers. It is well-known for publishing a 'rainbow' set of contract forms. TNB had adopted the 4 Suites of FIDIC 1999 Contract Forms since 2005.

1. Red Book (Construction Contract) = Conditions of Contract for Construction for Building and Engineering Works Design by the Employer
2. Yellow Book (Plant and Design-Build Contract) = Conditions of Contract for Design – Build for Electrical & Mechanical Plant, and for Building & Engineering Works designed by the Contractor
3. Silver Book = Conditions of Contract for EPC/ Turnkey Projects
4. Green Book = Short Form of Contract, often used by TNB for simple, repetitive projects
Why TNB use FIDIC forms of contract?
  • to have a standard form of contract for all projects
  • more Project Manager friendly
  • balanced, fair apportioning of risks, rights & obligations of the parties
  • internationally recognised and accepted form
  • able to accommodate TNB specific, future projects & contract management needs.

With Ir Zulkiflee Ibrahim of Ranhill Capital

A 2 hour captivating talk on International Business Risk, Insurance and Employment Law in foreign countries. Also, Ir Zulkiflee shared his working experience as a Country Manager of Ranhill in Libya. 

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Ranhill was established in 1973-mainly involves in Engineering, Procurement and Construction contract. Amona Ranhill Consortium which Ranhill owns 60% stake, won a $ 1.2 billion contract in 2005 from the Libyan Housing and Infrastructure Board. The project site was approximately 752 hectares located in Tajura- on the Mediterranean Coast, 15 km of the Tripoli city. 

The scopes of the works were to design, construct and handover of 10,680 units of 4-storey residential apartments, including consultancy services for the master planning based on the environmental friendly ‘precinct’ concept and design of the facility buildings, common and local infrastructure works and services including earthworks for the whole Tajura site. The principal banker was the Export-Import Bank of Malaysia Berhad. 

The project was scheduled to be completed in 2013 but later on the contract was terminated on the ground of ‘force majeure’ due to continuous social and political unrest in Libya. Ir Zulkiflee shared his dramatic experience of life-and-death carrying the herculean task of leading his fellow colleagues and workers evacuating Libya during the Arab Spring.

*2012 batch. Trip to Hong Kong. Read here
Hong Kong is chosen as the most attractive spot to learn about international construction industry development especially in the field of construction contract management and dispute resolution. The program started from 26 May 2012 until 2 June 2012. There are five (5) visiting places i.e. Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre (HKIAC), The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS), The Central-Wan Chai Bypass and Island Eastern Corridor Link Project, and Hong Kong University (HKU) & Hong Kong Polytechnic University (Poly-U).

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