Tulisan rakan saya John mengenai filem ini: "【返校 Detention】 . 一部身為台灣人都必須看的電影。 . 歷史上的許多悲劇,惡魔般的掌權者固然可怕。但往往最可怕的,是那些選擇『遺忘』過去,平凡的人們...... . 為了讓生活快樂,人們選擇『遺忘』歷史的慘劇:白色恐怖,應該沒那麼慘吧?而且都那麼久了。 為了讓生活富裕,人們選擇『遺忘』民主的可貴:民主能當飯吃嗎?先救經濟再說! 為了讓生活安穩,人們最終『遺忘』了自己:人為何需要理想?生活過得去、家庭和睦不就好了嗎? . 但是, 當人沒有了阻止慘劇再發生的堅持時; 當人沒有了自由之思想時; 當人沒有了擁有希望的權利時; . 那人,又該追求什麼? ==================================== Detention is a horror film hitting theaters in Taiwan on Sept. 20. The story is set in 1962 during the “White Terror” period of martial law under the KMT government and follows a high school girl who awakens in an empty school, realizing that she has entered a realm filled with hungry ghosts and vengeful spirits. . The martial law in Taiwan lasted for 38 years and ended in 1987, which was qualified as "the longest imposition of martial law by a regime anywhere in the world” at that time. During that time, thousands of Taiwanese elites were allegedly killed by the government...