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Rumah Taiwan

Trivia: Laoshi kata orang Taiwan terutama sekali Tainan minat sangat rumah townhouse 3-4 tingkat ni.

There are independent houses in Taiwan. They are called “toutiencuo (透天厝)”, a town-house like houses which several were built together at the same time with walls being shared with neighbors. Many were started being built around the 1970s in most cities and towns. They are two to four stories high. The first floor is normally supposed to serve as the car garage with a separate pedestrian entry, but a majority of them were later converted to living rooms and, in areas with high nearby population, to storefronts. The cars are normally parked on the road where scooters are supposed to travel, as well as any place people can opportunistically park their cars.

The older apartments (gong yu, 公寓) that were built in the 1970s and 1980s. They are usually 5–6 stories high with no elevators. The common area is mostly stairwells with maybe mailboxes on the first floor. Very few have underground parking for scooters and cars, and people had to resort to parking their cars and scooters outside, impeding the flow of traffic. (I should pause here and note that despite being a densely populated Asian country, Taiwan invested very little in public transportation outside the capital city of Taipei throughout the 1950s to the 1980s, resulting in people relying on themselves for traveling. As people are getting more prosperous during that period of time, there are more than one cars per family and each family member owns one scooter while living in the same place where parking does not come with the living quarter. As a result, more and more vehicles had to be parked outside, on the streets or empty lots.) Most older apartment buildings do not have storefronts on its first floor though more and more smaller restaurants inside Taipei’s alleyways are situated on the first floor of these older apartments.

Condominiums (daxia or diantidaxia, 大廈/電梯大廈) were started being built since the 1970s mostly in the top 3 cities of Taiwan and later to their suburbs and other lower tiered cities. They are often 8 stories tall or more and do come with elevators. Underground parking is available though some units may not get a parking space. Families with multiple vehicles had to find parking again on the crowded streets. The first floors of these condominiums, if situated in a popular area, are mostly used as storefronts, from convenient stores, banks, to supermarkets. They often come with security guards and people has to pay monthly fees to the condo association for upkeep of public areas, such as maintenance of elevators. Newer condominiums have more amenities such as kid’s playrooms and public lounge and fitness rooms.

Older townhouses (toutiencuo), apartment buildings, and taller condominiums in Taiwan suffer from illegal construction of additional floors by the owners of these properties (weizhang jianzhu, 違章建築). These additional floors were made from metal shingles (tiepiwu, 鐵皮屋) that wasn’t meant for the original building and are quite aesthetically unpleasant. Politicians and elected officials couldn’t tackle these problems as they are unpopular, unless they pose serious dangers to the people.This is an example of “bie-shu (別墅)”, which are basically “toutiencuo”-like townhouses that are built in newer areas of the cities or suburban gated communities. (Hopefully) There are designs on the first floor and top floor to prevent owners from taking an aesthetically unpleasing act of converting the first floor into noodle shops and use shingles to build additional floors. Despite being townhouses, the parking spaces are actually underground in a shared underground parking lot.

Taiwan also has an abundance of luxury condominiums (haozhai, 豪宅) you see in many Chinese cities such as Shanghai and Hong Kong. These are larger condominiums with many public amenities such as fitness rooms, swimming pools, etc. They also come with a security guard on duty 24 hours. The first floors are normally not rented out as stores, though some would allow “elite” stores such as sellers of high fashion or jewelry or banks. Each unit often comes with more than one parking spaces.

Others have mentioned “sanheyuan (三合院)”, which is a Minnanese style housing complex with a courtyard in the middle surrounded by one story living quarters. They are almost extinct in most areas with some population, as they were often torn down to build denser housing units. Those that are intact are mostly in the rural area where the old stayed behind while the young leave for cities to live in one of the living spaces described above. As the old died out they become abandoned. However, more and more older buildings (including formerly abandoned Japanese style houses) are being resurrected and used as theme restaurants or cultural centers.

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