講者介紹:Syed Muhd-Khairudin Aljunied
國立新加坡大學馬來研究系(Dept. of Malay Studies, National University of Singapore)副教授、美國喬治城大學的研究員兼馬來西亞東南亞伊斯蘭講座教授、東南亞伊斯蘭研究專家,專長領域為:Intellectual History、Religious Cosmopolitanism、Social Movements。
Series Lecture in Southeast Asian History & Culture
Women on Top: Power Dynamics in Historical Malay World
地點Venue:歷史系館二樓振芝講堂 Cheng Chi Lecture Hall, 2nd. Floor, Dept. of History
時間Time:12 / 19(三)10: 00-12: 00
Melaka among the Muslim Cosmopolitan Kingdoms in the Malay World
地點Venue:歷史系館25129 教室 Classroom 25129, Dept. of History
時間Time:12/20(四) 13:10-15:00
Making Muslims Modern: Colonialism and Reformist Movements in 20th century Southeast Asia
地點Venue:歷史系館二樓振芝講堂 Cheng Chi Lecture Hall, 2nd. Floor, Dept. of History
時間Time:12 / 24(一)15:00-17:00
講題Topic:穆斯林世界主義: 破解對東南亞穆斯林的迷思
Muslim Cosmopolitanism: Shattering Myths about Islam in Southeast Asia and Beyond
地點Venue:歷史系館二樓振芝講堂 Cheng Chi Lecture Hall, 2nd. Floor, Dept. of History
專題演講 Special Lecture
時間Time:12 / 25(二)12:30-14:00
How to be a Successful Scholar: Insights from Experiences in Singapore, UK and USA Universities
地點Venue:修齊大樓七樓文學院會議室 7F, Meeting Room, College of Liberal Arts
馬來世界研究工作坊 Workshop of the Malay World Studies
時間Time:12 / 27(四)13:00-16:00
講題1 Topic1:Religious Authorities and Their Relevance in the Malay World (馬來世界宗教學者與伊斯蘭事務)
講題2 Topic2:Pop-Cultures and Halal-Mania in the Malay World (馬來世界的流行文化與清真熱衷)
地點Venue:歷史系館二樓振芝講堂 Cheng Chi Lecture Hall, 2nd. Floor, Dept. of History